Unbelievable night in America

This is amazing. I am sitting here tonight at our MLB office with the FOX feed of Phillies vs. Dodgers immediately to my left, and the live Presidential Election Debate on our MLB.com video player right in front of me on this laptop (now minimized as I type). I wrote this article on the MLB.com homepage to introduce baseball fans and voters to an amazing first: Being able to watch a live MLB playoff game and a Presidential Election Debate at the same time. It was always a choice in life before, and MLB always won because the broadcaster couldn’t mess with its profitable event. Some commenters on that article page said they thought it was the best thing we’ve ever done at MLB.com. I can’t disagree as I’m sitting here soaking up this night. I have my own thoughts on what I’m seeing in this possible clinch broadcast in both mediums, and I’m just curious what other MLBloggers think of following both settings simultaneously. Here are some screen shots. Just look at Baseball and Politics together, so quintessentially American. I’m just amazed at seeing the candidates on our video player. What say you?




  1. ignoblesse555@yahoo.com

    If the Rays lose the Series, John McCain will forever be blamed for NAMING them publicly by their former name at a rally.

  2. iluvctek3304

    In our COM 101 class today, we talked heavily about internet journalism. When the lady mentioned blogging, I was like, one step ahead of you, woman. She didn’t do a good job of presenting blogging, however. I guess I’ll have to clear things up in my discussion group tomorrow.

    I have my blog updated today for the first time in two weeks.
    Still believing,

  3. gagakym

    It could have been the best of both worlds, except in my neck of the woods, sport reigns.
    The Phillies could clinch and we have to gather at our favorite haunt to root for that.
    To view McCain wander aimlessly while repeating old , tired nonworking bull&*%$. while missing the road to the series.?
    Any intelligent person who cares about this country will choose Obama.

    And the Phillies go to the SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How GOOD is that.

  4. jjbehr@gmail.com

    I’d say that is pretty darn cool, but what I am really interested to see is who will be throwing out the first-pitches in the World Series. (In the 2004 World Series, John Kerry threw at Fenway Park for the Red Sox, and President George W. Bush threw at Busch Stadium for the Cards. Sox won the series, Bush won the election).

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