
This is the “community blog” for MLB.com Blogs: Official affiliate of MLB.com, unofficial opinions. Mark Newman, Enterprise Editor for Major League Baseball Advanced Media and Hall of Fame-voting Lifetime Honorary member of the Baseball Writers Association of America, will respond to comments here from fellow MLB.com Bloggers. We encourage thoughts about the community, comments with your URL to help people find you, nominations for other MLB.com Blogs that should get more love, ideas for how we can get more celebrity fans blogging here . . . whatever you want to get out of MLB.com Blogs Central.

We use a WordPress platform, and it’s your place to post free blogs right alongside people who work in baseball for a living. Please help us keep it a great, safe and troll-free community where fans of all ages and walks of life have fun together, and that means kids as well as 90-year-olds. Remember that to create your MLB.com Blog, you agreed to our Terms of Use — so please also respect your crowd around you just like at the ballpark. Have fun blogging, and we’ll try to help you get your own crowd and continually increase the magnitude of baseball blogging.


Baseball and blogging.